Lanczos-type variants of the cocr method for complex nonsymmetric linear systems

Huang T-Z, Jing Y-F, Zhang Y, Li L, Cheng G-H, Ren Z-G, Duan Y, Sogabe T, Bruno Carpentieri
Journal of Computational Physics - 2009

Références BibTex

  author       = {T-Z, H. and Y-F, J. and Y, Z. and L, L. and G-H, C. and Z-G, R. and Y, D. and T, S. and Carpentieri, B.},
  title        = {Lanczos-type variants of the cocr method for complex nonsymmetric linear systems},
  journal      = {Journal of Computational Physics},
  year         = {2009},
  note         = {Acceptedidxproject: ? },
  keywords     = {Physical problems; CBiCG; COCR; Complex nonsymmetric matrices; Lanczos-type variants},
  url          = {},

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» Huang T-Z
» Jing Y-F
» Bruno Carpentieri