VRE documentation manual
Jean-jacques Descombe,
Katherine Fletcher,
Giorgio Fotia,
Geoff Williams
Rapport de recherche , Deliverable D2.3 EU Project PREDICT (ICT-2007-2-224381) - february 2010
Références BibTex
author = {Descombe, J.-j. and Fletcher, K. and Fotia, G. and Williams, G.},
title = {VRE documentation manual},
institution = {Deliverable D2.3 EU Project PREDICT (ICT-2007-2-224381)},
month = {february},
year = {2010},
type = {techreport},
keywords = {computational medicine, cardiac simulation, simulation, mathematical modeling, bioinformatics},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2010/DFFW10a},
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