Dynamic TV-content augmentation by Web (A prototype of enhanced remote control capable to complement TV-Viewing retrieving additional information from the World Wide Web).
Applied Computer Science, International conference of the Institute for Environment, Engineering, Economics and Applied Mathematics, Malta – 14-16 September 2010 - 2010
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author = {Deriu, M. and Soro, A. and Paddeu, G.},
title = {Dynamic TV-content augmentation by Web (A prototype of enhanced remote control capable to complement TV-Viewing retrieving additional information from the World Wide Web).},
booktitle = {Applied Computer Science, International conference of the Institute for Environment, Engineering, Economics and Applied Mathematics, Malta – 14-16 September 2010},
year = {2010},
keywords = {Interactive Television, Augmented TV, Web Content Delivery, HCI},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2010/DSP10a},
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