CRS4-2: a numerical code for calculating solar field performances for solar tower plants

Erminia Leonardi, Marco Cogoni, Lorenzo Pisani, Bruno D'Aguanno
Book of Abstract of the 17-th International symposium of SolarPaces - 2010

BibTex references

  author       = {Leonardi, E. and Cogoni, M. and Pisani, L. and D'Aguanno, B.},
  title        = {CRS4-2: a numerical code for calculating solar field performances for solar tower plants},
  booktitle    = {Book of Abstract of the 17-th International symposium of SolarPaces},
  year         = {2010},
  keywords     = {solar tower, heliostats},
  url          = {},

Other publications in the database

» Erminia Leonardi
» Marco Cogoni
» Lorenzo Pisani
» Bruno D'Aguanno