FASTEF “chicane” optimization with a larger pump pipe diameter Annexe
Vincent Moreau
Rapport de recherche , CRS4 - december 2010
The aim of this annexe is to present the motivation and the attempts which have lead to the proposed design variant of the FASTEF “chicane” with a larger pump pipe. The CFD simulations leading to and supporting the variant have been performed with starccmV5.06.
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author = {Moreau, V.},
title = {FASTEF “chicane” optimization with a larger pump pipe diameter Annexe},
institution = {CRS4},
month = {december},
year = {2010},
note = {material produced in the framework of the CDT EU FP7 project},
type = {Calculation Report},
keywords = {CFD, LBE, CDT, FASTEF},
url = {},
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