Differential gene ontology class expression in grapevine affected by the stolbur phytoplasma
Federico Punelli,
Paolo Uva,
A. Ferrarini,
F Faggioli,
M Barba,
Graziella Pasquini
Misc - september 2010
Références BibTex
author = {Punelli, F. and Uva, P. and Ferrarini, A. and Faggioli, F. and Barba, M. and Pasquini, G.},
title = {Differential gene ontology class expression in grapevine affected by the stolbur phytoplasma},
month = {september},
year = {2010},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2010/PUFFBP10},
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