Genome-wide ChIP-seq analysis to identify mouse Foxl2 binding sites in vivo.
Mara Marongiu,
Andrea Sbardellati,
Loredana Marcia,
Alessandra Meloni,
Roberto Cusano,
Andrea Angius,
Giorgio Fotia,
Francesco Cucca,
Laura Crisponi
Misc - 2012
Références BibTex
author = {Marongiu, M. and Sbardellati, A. and Marcia, L. and Meloni, A. and Cusano, R. and Angius, A. and Fotia, G. and Cucca, F. and Crisponi, L.},
title = {Genome-wide ChIP-seq analysis to identify mouse Foxl2 binding sites in vivo.},
year = {2012},
keywords = {ChIP-seq, bioinformatics},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2012/MSMMCAFCC12},
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