Automated moving mesh techniques and re-meshing strategies in CFD applications using morphing and rigid motions
Manuela Profir
Rapport de recherche , CRS4 - april 2012
The presence of moving meshes when motions of fluids and solids are being simulated requires a good control of the topological deformations that can take place both into the surface mesh and into the volume cells. The work done in getting the control of the mesh morphing techniques in CFD applications of fluid-structure interactions and rigid bodies motions is here presented. The effects of imposed rigid body motions on a fluid mesh surrounding or surrounded by a solid body are analysed. Surface boundary mesh extraction and CAD geometry updating strategies for the preservation of a good quality mesh during the calculation are investigated and developed. Java programming is employed in order to automate the process of re-meshing to avoid degeneration.
Références BibTex
author = {Profir, M.},
title = {Automated moving mesh techniques and re-meshing strategies in CFD applications using morphing and rigid motions},
institution = {CRS4},
month = {april},
year = {2012},
note = {Report on activity presented to RAS},
keywords = {moving meshes, morphing, re-meshing, deformation, automation},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2012/Pro12c},
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