Unravelling the genetic causes of syndromic Intellectual Disability in the era of exome sequencing
Ilenia Zara,
Manuela Oppo,
Francesca Chiappe,
Frederic Reinier,
Riccardo Berutti,
Rossano Atzeni,
Christopher M. S. Jones,
V. Dessì,
Gigliola Serra,
Maria Valentini,
Andrea Angius,
Serena Sanna,
Francesco Cucca,
Laura Crisponi
ESHG (European Society of Human Genetics) 2012, Nuremberg, Germany - june 2012
Références BibTex
author = {Zara, I. and Oppo, M. and Chiappe, F. and Reinier, F. and Berutti, R. and Atzeni, R. and Jones, C. and Dessì, V. and Serra, G. and Valentini, M. and Angius, A. and Sanna, S. and Cucca, F. and Crisponi, L.},
title = {Unravelling the genetic causes of syndromic Intellectual Disability in the era of exome sequencing},
booktitle = {ESHG (European Society of Human Genetics) 2012, Nuremberg, Germany},
month = {june},
year = {2012},
keywords = {Exome Sequancing, Rare disease, Intellectual Disability, Rare variants},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2012/ZOCRBAJDSVASCC12},
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