Microalgae based technology for biofuels production and CO2 capture: the role of mathematical modeling and genetic engineering
Alessandro Concas,
Roberto Cusano,
Massimiliano Orsini,
Cristina Costelli,
Andrea Angius,
Giacomo Cao
ATTI DEI CONVEGNI LINCEI 294, page 153-160 - 2013
Références BibTex
author = {Concas, A. and Cusano, R. and Orsini, M. and Costelli, C. and Angius, A. and Cao, G.},
title = {Microalgae based technology for biofuels production and CO2 capture: the role of mathematical modeling and genetic engineering},
booktitle = {ATTI DEI CONVEGNI LINCEI 294},
series = {Accademia dei Lincei, Convegno Internazionale LA SFIDA DEI TERAWATT: QUALE RICERCA PER L’ENERGIA DEL FUTURO?},
pages = {153-160},
year = {2013},
editor = {Bardi Edizioni},
address = {Rome, Italy},
keywords = {mathematical modelling; genetic engineering},
issn = {0391-805X},
isbn = {978-88-218-1118-0},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2013/CCOCAC13},
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