Downscaling of RCM outputs for representative catchments in the Mediterranean region, for the 1951-2100 time-frame

Roberto Deidda, Marino Marrocu, Gabriella Pusceddu, Langousis Andreas, Caroletti Giulio
EGU General Assembly 2013, Volume Vol. 15 - april 2013

BibTex references

  author       = {Deidda, R. and Marrocu, M. and Pusceddu, G. and Andreas,  . and Giulio, C.},
  title        = {Downscaling of RCM outputs for representative catchments in the Mediterranean region, for the 1951-2100 time-frame},
  booktitle    = {EGU General Assembly 2013},
  volume       = {Vol. 15},
  month        = {april},
  year         = {2013},
  organization = {EGU},
  keywords     = {Regional Climat Models, Downscaling, Mediterranean Region},
  url          = {},

Other publications in the database

» Roberto Deidda
» Marino Marrocu
» Gabriella Pusceddu
» Langousis Andreas
» Caroletti Giulio