Orientation Analysis through a Gyroscope Sensor for Indoor Navigation Systems
Valentina Marotto,
Davide Carboni,
Alberto Serra,
Andrea Manchinu,
Mariella Sole,
Tiziana Dessì
SENSORDEVICES 2013, The Fourth International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications, page 85--90 - august 2013
Références BibTex
author = {Marotto, V. and Carboni, D. and Serra, A. and Manchinu, A. and Sole, M. and Dessì, T.},
title = {Orientation Analysis through a Gyroscope Sensor for Indoor Navigation Systems},
booktitle = {SENSORDEVICES 2013, The Fourth International Conference on Sensor Device Technologies and Applications},
pages = {85--90},
month = {august},
year = {2013},
publisher = {IARIA},
keywords = {pedestrian navigation; rotation sensors; gyroscope; digital compass; indoor navigation},
issn = {2308-3514},
isbn = {978-1-61208-297-4},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2013/MCSMSD13},
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