Analysis of the inhibitory effect of antipsychotic drugs during in vitro cell proliferation through classical and molecular modeling approaches

Enrico Pieroni, Amit Kumar, Massimo Pisu, Vito Genna, Alessandro Concas, Giacomo Cao
Proceedings - april 2013

Références BibTex

  editor       = {Pieroni, E. and Kumar, A. and Pisu, M. and Genna, V. and Concas, A. and Cao, G.},
  title        = {Analysis of the inhibitory effect of antipsychotic drugs during in vitro cell proliferation through classical and molecular modeling approaches},
  series       = {ECCE9/ECAB2, The Hague, The Netherlands},
  month        = {april},
  year         = {2013},
  keywords     = {mathematical modeling molecular cell proliferation drug inhibition},
  url          = {},

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» Enrico Pieroni
» Amit Kumar
» Massimo Pisu
» Vito Genna
» Alessandro Concas
» Giacomo Cao