Building an IT Platform for Strategic Crisis Management Preparation
Alexandre Ahmad,
Arjen Boin,
Fredrik Bynander,
Giovanni Pintore,
Fabio Ganovelli,
George Leventakis,
Olivier Balet
IEEE WiMob Workshop on Emergency Networks for Public Protection and Disaster Relief - 2014
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This paper presents the result of the work achieved by a European consortium, which has as goal to build an innovative system to assist security managers in the crisis preparation, training and management phases. The iterative approach of the consortium is presented, as well as the results. An novel interactive and shared Common Operational Picture is proposed which has been validated by three large scale demonstrations. On-going and future work focusing on the security of building interiors is moreover presented.
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author = {Ahmad, A. and Boin, A. and Bynander, F. and Pintore, G. and Ganovelli, F. and Leventakis, G. and Balet, O.},
title = {Building an IT Platform for Strategic Crisis Management Preparation},
booktitle = {IEEE WiMob Workshop on Emergency Networks for Public Protection and Disaster Relief},
year = {2014},
note = {to appear},
keywords = {crisis management, IT for security},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2014/ABBPGLB14},
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