Orione, a web-based framework for NGS analysis in microbiology
Gianmauro Cuccuru,
Massimiliano Orsini,
Andrea Pinna,
Andrea Sbardellati,
Nicola Soranzo,
Antonella Travaglione,
Paolo Uva,
Gianluigi Zanetti,
Giorgio Fotia
Bioinformatics, Volume 30, Number 13, page 1928-1929 - 2014
Références BibTex
author = {Cuccuru, G. and Orsini, M. and Pinna, A. and Sbardellati, A. and Soranzo, N. and Travaglione, A. and Uva, P. and Zanetti, G. and Fotia, G.},
title = {Orione, a web-based framework for NGS analysis in microbiology},
journal = {Bioinformatics},
number = {13},
volume = {30},
pages = {1928-1929},
year = {2014},
publisher = {Oxford University Press},
keywords = {bioinformatics, next-generation sequencing, web server},
doi = {10.1093/bioinformatics/btu135},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2014/COPSSTUZF14},
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