Gestures and manipulations in interactive spaces

Samuel Aldo Iacolina
Collana seminari interni 2014, Number 20140612 - june 2014
In the real world people use their senses to perceive the external environment and they use manipulations and gestures to explore the world around them, communicate and interact with other individuals. From this perspective the use of natural interfaces that exploit the human sensorial, gestural and manipulative abilities helps filling the gap between physical and digital world. In this talk we describe how tangible, multi-touch and free-hand interfaces can be used to design interactive spaces where even the less experienced users can express their manipulative exploration and gestural communication abilities with the aim of controlling and interacting with the applications. We also analyze how it can be possible to mix these techniques to create an interactive environment, specifically designed for teamwork, where the natural interfaces are distributed in order to encourage collaboration. Finally we discuss our results and put them in a wider context, focusing our attention particularly on how these scenarios can host various types of applications facilitating, for instance, the exploration of 3D models, the enjoyment of multimedia contents and social interaction.

Images et films


Références BibTex

  author       = {Iacolina, S.},
  title        = {Gestures and manipulations in interactive spaces},
  booktitle    = {Collana seminari interni 2014},
  number       = {20140612},
  month        = {june},
  year         = {2014},
  note         = {part II of seminar "Natural Interfaces for Interactive Spaces", delivered in sept 2013 at CRS4 },
  keywords     = {Camera, sensori ottici, micro-controllori, spazi interattivi, interfacce naturali},
  url          = {},

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» Samuel Aldo Iacolina