DART 2014 Information Filtering and Retrieval

Cristian Lai, Giovanni Semeraro, Alessandro Giuliani
Proceedings, Volume 1314 - december 2014

BibTex references

  editor       = {Lai, C. and Semeraro, G. and Giuliani, A.},
  title        = {DART 2014 Information Filtering and Retrieval},
  volume       = {1314},
  month        = {december},
  year         = {2014},
  publisher    = {CEUR-WS},
  organization = {CEUR-WS},
  address      = {},
  note         = {urn:nbn:de:0074-1314-7},
  keywords     = {dart,information retrieval, information filtering,natural language processing, nlp, ontology, machine learning, artificial intelligence},
  url          = {},

Other publications in the database

» Cristian Lai
» Giovanni Semeraro
» Alessandro Giuliani