New Multicomponent Drug Solids for Combination Therapy
Anatoly Mishnev
Collana Talks@CRS4, Number 20140520 - may 2014
Most of the human health disorders are treated by a combination of two or more drugs. Up to 25% of the drugs on the world pharmaceutical market are fixed drug combinations (FDCs) which contain physical mixtures of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). In the FP7 InnovaBalt project (2014-2016), as alternative to FDCs, we develop a new generation of pharmaceutical fixed dosage forms - multicomponent drug solids (MCDS) which contain different APIs cocrystallized in one crystal lattice. MCDS are designed in accordance with drug combination rational principles and may exist in the form of salts, cocrystals or their mixtures. New MCDS will be studied by X-ray single crystal and powder diffraction techniques, DTA/TG and Raman spectroscopy. Theoretical methods for crystal structure prediction (FlexCryst program) will be used for search of new polymorphic forms and stability evaluation. Preliminary results obtained within the project will be reported.
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author = {Mishnev, A.},
title = {New Multicomponent Drug Solids for Combination Therapy},
booktitle = {Collana Talks@CRS4},
number = {20140520},
month = {may},
year = {2014},
note = {seminar delivered at CRS4 on May 20, 2014 - contact: Detlef Hofmann, hofmann@crs4.it},
keywords = {combination therapy, multicomponent drug solids},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2014/Mis14a},