Exome sequencing identifies CTSK mutations in patients originally diagnosed as intermediate osteopetrosis
Alessandra Pangrazio,
Alessandro Puddu,
Manuela Oppo,
Maria Valentini,
Luca Zammataro,
Ashok Vellodi,
Blanca Gener,
Isabel Liano-Rivas,
Jamal Raza,
Irum Aatta,
Paolo Vezzoni,
Andrea Superti-Fuga,
Anna Villa,
Cristina Sobacchi
Bone, Volume 59 , Number 59, page 122-126 - february 2014
Références BibTex
author = {Pangrazio, A. and Puddu, A. and Oppo, M. and Valentini, M. and Zammataro, L. and Vellodi, A. and Gener, B. and Liano-Rivas, I. and Raza, J. and Aatta, I. and Vezzoni, P. and Superti-Fuga, A. and Villa, A. and Sobacchi, C.},
title = {Exome sequencing identifies CTSK mutations in patients originally diagnosed as intermediate osteopetrosis},
journal = {Bone},
number = {59},
volume = {59 },
pages = {122-126},
month = {february},
year = {2014},
publisher = {Elsevier},
keywords = {Exome sequencing, CTSK, Sclerosing bone disorder, Differential diagnosis, Therapy},
doi = {10.1016/j.bone.2013.11.014},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2014/PPOVZVGLRAVSVS14},
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