Population Genomic Analysis of Ancient and Modern Genomes Yields New Insights into the Genetic Ancestry of the Tyrolean Iceman and the Genetic Structure of Europe
Martin Sikora,
Meredith L Carpenter,
Andres Moreno-Estrada,
Brenna M. Henn,
Peter A. Underhill,
Federico Sánchez-Quinto,
Ilenia Zara,
Maristella Pitzalis,
Carlo Sidore,
Fabio Busonero,
Andrea Maschio,
Andrea Angius,
Christopher M. S. Jones,
Javier Mendoza-Revilla,
Georgi Nekhrizov,
Diana Dimitrova,
Nikola Theodossiev,
Timothy T Harkins,
Andreas Keller,
Frank Maixner,
Albert Zink,
Gonçalo R. Abecasis,
Serena Sanna,
Francesco Cucca,
Carlos D Bustamante
PLoS Genetics - may 2014
Références BibTex
author = {Sikora, M. and Carpenter, M. and Moreno-Estrada, A. and Henn, . and Underhill, P. and Sánchez-Quinto, F. and Zara, I. and Pitzalis, M. and Sidore, C. and Busonero, F. and Maschio, A. and Angius, A. and Jones, C. and Mendoza-Revilla, J. and Nekhrizov, G. and Dimitrova, D. and Theodossiev, N. and Harkins, T. and Keller, A. and Maixner, F. and Zink, A. and Abecasis, G. and Sanna, S. and Cucca, F. and Bustamante, C.},
title = {Population Genomic Analysis of Ancient and Modern Genomes Yields New Insights into the Genetic Ancestry of the Tyrolean Iceman and the Genetic Structure of Europe},
journal = {PLoS Genetics},
month = {may},
year = {2014},
keywords = {Genome sequencing, Paleogenetics, Population Genetics, Paleoanthropology, Agriculture, Europe, Variant genotypes},
doi = {10.1371/journal.pgen.1004353},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2014/SCMHUSZPSBMAJMNDTHKMZASCB14},
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