HL7apy: a Python library to parse, create and handle HL7 v2.x messages
EJBI - European Journal for Biomedical Informatics, Volume 11, Number 2, page en31-en40 - january 2015
Télécharger la publication :
HL7 version 2 is the most popular messaging standard for
clinical systems interoperability. Most of the tools for messaging management are Java or .NET based, while Python
programming language lacks of comparable solutions. This
paper describes HL7apy, an open-source HL7 v2 compli-
ant messaging library, written in Python. The library offers means to create, parse, navigate and validate messages.
As an example application, we present a full implemen-
tation of the IHE Patient Demographics Query ITI-21
transaction. The resulting module has been integrated in
GNU Health, a popular open-source Hospital Information
Références BibTex
author = {Meloni, V. and Sulis, A. and Ghironi, D. and Cabras, F. and Del Rio, M. and Monni, S. and Gaggero, M. and Frexia, F. and Zanetti, G.},
title = {HL7apy: a Python library to parse, create and handle HL7 v2.x messages},
journal = {EJBI - European Journal for Biomedical Informatics},
number = {2},
volume = {11},
pages = {en31-en40},
month = {january},
year = {2015},
publisher = {EuroMISE s.r.o.},
keywords = {HL7, API, Python, Interoperability},
issn = {1801 - 5603},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2015/MSGCDMGFZ15},
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