SEARCH (Contract Number: 2955736) Deliverable D5.7 Characterisation of the fission gas and other species release dispersion in the coolant with CFD modelling
Vincent Moreau
Misc - january 2015
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We describe the updates of the MYRRHA CFD numerical model. We first look at the behaviour of passive scalars to get information on residence time, stagnation regions and dispersion of dissolved substances or very fine particulate. We investigate the dispersion of Lagrangian particles representative of possible fuel particles depending on their density and size under nominal operation for 1200s. We investigate a ULOF incidental scenario, including some fission gas release and a successive fuel particle emission. We discuss the results, the limitations of the simulations and the possible future improvements.
Références BibTex
author = {Moreau, V.},
title = {SEARCH (Contract Number: 2955736) Deliverable D5.7 Characterisation of the fission gas and other species release dispersion in the coolant with CFD modelling},
month = {january},
year = {2015},
type = {Rapport de Contrat},
keywords = {SEARCH, MYRRHA, CFD, LBE, simulation, modelling},
url = {},
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