Height-reducing variants and selection for short stature in Sardinia
Magdalena Zoledziewska,
Sidore Carlo,
Matteo Floris,
. ...,
David Schlessinger,
Francesco Cucca
Nature Genetics, Volume 47, Number 11, page 1352--6 - 2015
BibTex references
author = {Zoledziewska, M. and Carlo, S. and ..., . and Floris, M. and ..., .. and Schlessinger, D. and Cucca, F.},
title = {Height-reducing variants and selection for short stature in Sardinia},
journal = {Nature Genetics},
number = {11},
volume = {47},
pages = {1352--6},
year = {2015},
keywords = {Genome-wide association studies, Population genetics},
doi = {10.1038/ng.3403},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2015/ZC.F.SC15},
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