ELIXIR-ITA: supporting the growth of bioinformatics in Italy with research, infrastructures and training.
Federico Zambelli,
Allegra Via,
Giacinto Donvito,
Luana Licata,
Tiziana Castrignano,
Giuseppe Profiti,
Gianmauro Cuccuru,
Silvio Tosatto,
Enrico Picardi,
Gianluca della Vedova,
Luciano Milanesi,
Angelo Facchiano,
Fulvio Galeazzi,
Sabrina Tommasini,
Graziano Pesole
Misc - 2015
Références BibTex
author = {Zambelli, F. and Via, A. and Donvito, G. and Licata, L. and Castrignano, T. and Profiti, G. and Cuccuru, G. and Tosatto, S. and Picardi, E. and della Vedova, G. and Milanesi, L. and Facchiano, A. and Galeazzi, F. and Tommasini, S. and Pesole, G.},
title = {ELIXIR-ITA: supporting the growth of bioinformatics in Italy with research, infrastructures and training. },
year = {2015},
type = {Poster},
keywords = {bioinformatics},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2015/ZVDLCPCTPDMFGTP15},
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