Self-ignition and quenching limits and the sensitivity analysis of a
Vladimir L. Zimont
Proceedings of the 1st Thermal and Fluid Engineering Summer Conference, TFESC, August 9-12, 2015, New York City, USA. - 2015
BibTex references
author = {Zimont, V.},
title = {Self-ignition and quenching limits and the sensitivity analysis of a },
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st Thermal and Fluid Engineering Summer Conference, TFESC, August 9-12, 2015, New York City, USA.},
year = {2015},
organization = {American Society of Thermal and Fluids Engineers (ASTFE)},
keywords = {catalytic micro-structured burner, self-ignition and quenching temperature, sensitivity analysis },
url = {},
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