Autotrophic growth and lipid production of C. sorokiniana in lab batch and BIOCOIL photobioreactors: experiments and modeling
Alessandro Concas,
Veronica Malavasi,
Cristina Costelli,
Paolo Fadda,
Massimo Pisu,
Giacomo Cao
Bioresource Technology, Volume 211, page 327-338 - 2016
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A novel mathematical model for the quantitative assessment of the effect of dissolved nitrogen on the autotrophic batch-growth and lipid accumulation of C. sorokiniana, is proposed in this work. Model results have been validated through comparison with suitable experimental data performed in lab photobioreactors. Further experiments have been then performed using the BIOCOIL photobioreactor operated in fed-batch mode. The experimental results, which show that a maximum growth rate of 0.52 day-1 and a lipid content equal to 25 %wt can be achieved with the BIOICOIL, have been successfully predicted through the proposed model. Therefore, the model might represent a first step toward the development of a tool for the scale-up and optimization of the operating conditions of BIOCOIL photobioreactors. Finally, the fatty acid methyl esters obtained by trans-esterification of lipids extracted from C. sorokiniana, have been analyzed in view of the assessment of their usability for producing biodiesel.
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author = {Concas, A. and Malavasi, V. and Costelli, C. and Fadda, P. and Pisu, M. and Cao, G.},
title = {Autotrophic growth and lipid production of C. sorokiniana in lab batch and BIOCOIL photobioreactors: experiments and modeling},
journal = {Bioresource Technology},
volume = {211},
pages = {327-338},
year = {2016},
publisher = {Elsevier},
keywords = {C. sorokiniana, BIOCOIL photobioreactor, Mathematical Modeling, FAMEs, Lipid productivity},
doi = {10.1016/j.biortech.2016.03.089},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2016/CMCFPC16a},
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