Lack of MIR-127 down-regulation in the transition from hematopoietic stem cells to multi-potent progenitors leads to pancytopenia and defective self-renewal
Laura Crisafulli,
Sharon Muggeo,
Paolo Uva,
Lucia Susani,
Michael Cleary,
Paolo Vezzoni,
Bernhard Gentner,
Francesca Ficara
Misc - june 2016
Références BibTex
author = {Crisafulli, L. and Muggeo, S. and Uva, P. and Susani, L. and Cleary, M. and Vezzoni, P. and Gentner, B. and Ficara, F.},
title = {Lack of MIR-127 down-regulation in the transition from hematopoietic stem cells to multi-potent progenitors leads to pancytopenia and defective self-renewal},
month = {june},
year = {2016},
keywords = {Hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, Homeobox gene, Self-renewal},
url = {},
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