A look into the mind of entrepreneurs and students: An exploration of knowledge structures

Michela Loi, Marco Cogoni, maria chiara di Guardo
CreateSpace, page 385--392 - 2016

BibTex references

  author       = {Loi, M. and Cogoni, M. and di Guardo, m.},
  title        = {A look into the mind of entrepreneurs and students: An exploration of knowledge structures},
  series       = {Organising for growth: Theories and practices},
  pages        = {385--392},
  year         = {2016},
  publisher    = {CreateSpace},
  address      = {Udine},
  keywords     = {entrepreneurship, graph theory, matrix similarity},
  url          = {},

Other publications in the database

» Michela Loi
» Marco Cogoni
» maria chiara di Guardo