Mobile reconstruction and exploration of indoor structures exploiting omnidirectional images

Giovanni Pintore, Fabio Ganovelli, Enrico Gobbetti, Roberto Scopigno
Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia Symposium on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications, page 1:1--1:4 - december 2016
Download the publication : sa16smgia-mobile-indoor.pdf [1.9Mo]  
We summarize our recent advances in acquisition, reconstruction and exploration of indoor environments with the aid of mobile devices. Our methods enable casual users to quickly capture and recover multi-room structures coupled with their visual appearance, starting from panorama images generated with the built-in capabilities of modern mobile devices, as well as emerging low-cost 360$^circ$ cameras. After introducing the reconstruction algorithms at the base of our approach, we show how to build applications able to generate 3D floor plans scaled to their real-world metric dimensions and capable to manage scene not necessary limited by emph{Manhattan World} assumptions. Then, exploiting the resulting structural and visual model, we propose a client-server interactive exploration system implementing a low-DOF navigation interface, specifically developed for touch interaction on smartphones and tablets.

Images and movies


BibTex references

  author       = {Pintore, G. and Ganovelli, F. and Gobbetti, E. and Scopigno, R.},
  title        = {Mobile reconstruction and exploration of indoor structures exploiting omnidirectional images},
  booktitle    = {Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia Symposium on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications},
  pages        = {1:1--1:4},
  month        = {december},
  year         = {2016},
  keywords     = {indoor scene reconstruction, omnidirectional images, mobile mapping},
  doi          = {10.1145/2999508.2999526},
  isbn         = {978-1-4503-4551-4/16/12},
  url          = {},

Other publications in the database

» Giovanni Pintore
» Fabio Ganovelli
» Enrico Gobbetti
» Roberto Scopigno