Synonymous Mutations Add a Layer of Complexity in the Diagnosis of Human Osteopetrosis
Eleonora Palagano,
Lucia Susani,
Ciro Menale,
Ugo Ramenghi,
Massimo Berger,
Paolo Uva,
Manuela Oppo,
Paolo Vezzoni,
Anna Villa,
Cristina Sobacchi
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research - 2016
Références BibTex
author = {Palagano, E. and Susani, L. and Menale, C. and Ramenghi, U. and Berger, M. and Uva, P. and Oppo, M. and Vezzoni, P. and Villa, A. and Sobacchi, C.},
title = {Synonymous Mutations Add a Layer of Complexity in the Diagnosis of Human Osteopetrosis},
journal = {Journal of Bone and Mineral Research},
year = {2016},
keywords = {exome seguencing, ngs},
doi = {10.1002/jbmr.2929},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2016/PSMRBUOVVS16},
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