Internship report:” Study and CFD modeling of the behaviour of liquid-state Lead-Bismuth eutectic, with particular reference to the main heat exchanger of the CIRCE experimental facility, located at ENEA, Brasimone (Italy).”

S. Lampis, Vincent Moreau
Misc - september 2017
Télécharger la publication : REPORT DI TIROCINIO_6-12-2017B.pdf [5.8Mo]  
The main aim of this report is to illustrate the activities pursued during the internship at CRS4, highlighting its most important objectives, and paying particular attention to the personal learning process experienced throughout this working period. Furthermore, the technical conclusions of the work will be adequately summarized and presented in the last paragraph. The abovementioned internship took place between the first days of May and the end of August 2017, with a break of one month and a half during the period of June and early July, due to exam session duties (working time reduced to only one day per week) for a total of 300 working hours (12 CFU). All activities were constantly supervisioned by Dr. Vincent Moreau of CRS4 and Prof. Pietro Asinari of Politecnico di Torino, in quality of internship tutors, together with the help of Dr. Manuela Profir.

Références BibTex

  author       = {Lampis, S. and Moreau, V.},
  title        = {Internship report:” Study and CFD modeling of the behaviour of liquid-state Lead-Bismuth eutectic, with particular reference to the main heat exchanger of the CIRCE experimental facility, located at ENEA, Brasimone (Italy).”},
  month        = {september},
  year         = {2017},
  type         = {Internship report},
  keywords     = {Heavy Liquid Metal, CFD, CIRCE},
  url          = {},

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» S. Lampis
» Vincent Moreau