Proof-Of-Principle of the MYRRHA Control Rod Emergency Insertion
Manuela Profir,
Vincent Moreau,
Graham Kennedy
Journal of Nuclear Research and Development , Number 14, page 9-15 - december 2017
This work presents the combined numerical-experimental investigation campaign of the
buoyancy driven MYRRHA control rod (CR) insertion during an emergency SCRAM, aimed
to demonstrate its proof-of-principle. A full-scale test section of the control rod was
constructed to test the hydrodynamics in Lead Bismuth Eutectic over a wide range of operating
conditions providing experimental data for the qualification of the CR system. A numerical
CFD model of the CR test section was also setup in STAR-CCM+ for pre-test and post-test
analysis. Numerically, the CFD model requires the application of the overset mesh method in
an extremely constrained domain. The CR acceleration arises from Newton's law but also
strongly affects the surrounding flow pressure, requiring a two-way coupled solution of the CR
motion and the fluid dynamics. The CR dynamics are also controlled by distant boundary
conditions which require the inclusion of several free surfaces. The test section is described
together with its numerical counterpart. The procedure and the methods used to reach the CR
numerical two-way coupling motion are explained. The numerical results are compared with
the experimental results.
Références BibTex
author = {Profir, M. and Moreau, V. and Kennedy, G.},
title = {Proof-Of-Principle of the MYRRHA Control Rod Emergency Insertion },
journal = {Journal of Nuclear Research and Development },
number = {14},
pages = {9-15},
month = {december},
year = {2017},
publisher = {Institute for Nuclear Research Pitesti, Romania},
keywords = {CFD, overset mesh, free surfaces, emergency control rod insertion},
issn = {http://www.jnrd-nuclear.ro/index.php/current-issue},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2017/PMK17},
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