Understanding the genetic basis of Acrofrontofacionasal Dysostosis 1
Eleonora Palagano,
Dario Strina,
Ciro Menale,
Stefano Mantero,
Paolo Prontera,
Maria Leine Guion-Almeida,
Paolo Uva,
Andrea Angius,
Anna Villa,
Cristina Sobacchi
Misc - march 2017
Références BibTex
author = {Palagano, E. and Strina, D. and Menale, C. and Mantero, S. and Prontera, P. and Guion-Almeida, M. and Uva, P. and Angius, A. and Villa, A. and Sobacchi, C.},
title = {Understanding the genetic basis of Acrofrontofacionasal Dysostosis 1},
month = {march},
year = {2017},
keywords = {next generation sequencing, exome},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2017/PSMMPGUAVS17},
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