SESAME - Contract Number: 654935 Deliverable D3.2 CIRCLE experiment: pre-test, data set and analysis
M. Tarantino,
D. Martelli,
Vincent Moreau,
K. Zwijsen
Misc - september 2017
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The present document reports the experimental data obtained in the frame of the EU project SESAME WP3 (deliverable D3.2)
on the CIRCE large pool experimental facility. Moreover the pre-test CFD analysis performed at CRS4 and NRG are reported.
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author = {Tarantino, M. and Martelli, D. and Moreau, V. and Zwijsen, K.},
title = {SESAME - Contract Number: 654935 Deliverable D3.2 CIRCLE experiment: pre-test, data set and analysis},
month = {september},
year = {2017},
type = {Rapport de Contrat},
keywords = {CFD, SESAME, simulation, modelling, LBE, HLM, CIRCE},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2017/TMMZ17},
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