Mathematical modelling of the size-structured growth of microalgae dividing by multiple fission

Alessandro Concas, Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao
Proceedings - may 2019
Télécharger la publication : Poster ICHEAP14 multiple fission.pdf [758Ko]  

Références BibTex

  editor       = {Concas, A. and Pisu, M. and Cao, G.},
  title        = {Mathematical modelling of the size-structured growth of microalgae dividing by multiple fission},
  month        = {may},
  year         = {2019},
  publisher    = {ICHEAP-14, The 14th International Congress on Chemical and Process Engineering, Bologna},
  keywords     = {Mathematical modelling, microalgae, multiple fission},
  url          = {},

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» Alessandro Concas
» Massimo Pisu
» Giacomo Cao