Effect of Flourination on the Crystal and Electronic Structure of Organometallic Cyclopentadienyl-Phenyldiamino-Cobalt Complexes

Luca Pilia, Yoshiaki Shuku, Simon Dalgleish, Detlef W.M. Hofmann, Nicola Melis, Kunio Awaga, Neil Robertson
Journal of Crystal Growth & Design - 2020

BibTex references

  author       = {Pilia, L. and Shuku, Y. and Dalgleish, S. and Hofmann, D. and Melis, N. and Awaga, K. and Robertson, N.},
  title        = {Effect of Flourination on the Crystal and Electronic Structure of Organometallic Cyclopentadienyl-Phenyldiamino-Cobalt Complexes},
  journal      = {Journal of Crystal Growth  \& Design},
  year         = {2020},
  keywords     = {Cobalt; X-ray diffraction; DFT calculations; Coordination complex; Force Field Calculations. },
  doi          = {0.1016/j.jorganchem.2020.121277},
  url          = {},

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» Detlef W.M. Hofmann