Pool sloshing effects during seismic events - PASCAL 1st (Virtual) Progress Meeting
Vincent Moreau,
Manuela Profir
Misc - april 2021
Presentation performed during the first(virtual) progress meeting of the PASCAL European Euratom Project. WP4: Integrity and resistance Task 4.2: Pool sloshing during seismic events Sub-task 4.2.2: Numerical simulation and support to the experimental campaign. Summary of the activities performed during first six months:
(i) Review of the CRS4 and some VKI past activities on similar topic.
(ii) Preliminary tests: use of STARCCM+ imbedded features
(iii)Confront of methodologies: moving mesh in inertial frame vs. steady mesh in non-inertial frame.
(iv) Identification of first issue: mass (non-)conservation
(v) Started quantification and qualification of sloshing: model instrumentation
Références BibTex
author = {Moreau, V. and Profir, M.},
title = {Pool sloshing effects during seismic events - PASCAL 1st (Virtual) Progress Meeting},
month = {april},
year = {2021},
type = {Progress meeting presentation},
keywords = {PASCAL, sloshing, CFD, simulation},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2021/MP21b},
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