Recent advances on ISRU technologies and study of microgravity impact on blood cells for deep space exploration
Giacomo Cao,
Alessandro Concas,
Roberto Orrú,
R. Licheri,
Elisa Sani,
Aldo DellOro,
Giacomo Fais,
Cristina Manis,
Alessia Manca,
Giuseppe Uras,
Pierluigi Caboni,
Antonio Locci,
Alberto Cincotti,
Nicola Lai,
Terenzio Congiu,
Gavino Faa,
Massimo Pisu,
Gavin Brelstaff,
Antonella Pantaleo
Front. Space Technol. - Sec. Space Exploration, Volume 4 - 2023
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author = {Cao, G. and Concas, A. and Orrú, R. and Licheri, R. and Sani, E. and DellOro, A. and Fais, G. and Manis, C. and Manca, A. and Uras, G. and Caboni, P. and Locci, A. and Cincotti, A. and Lai, N. and Congiu, T. and Faa, G. and Pisu, M. and Brelstaff, G. and Pantaleo, A.},
title = {Recent advances on ISRU technologies and study of microgravity impact on blood cells for deep space exploration},
journal = {Front. Space Technol. - Sec. Space Exploration},
volume = {4},
year = {2023},
keywords = {ISRU, ISFR, effect of microgravity, deep space exploration, process development},
doi = {10.3389/frspt.2023.1146461},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2023/CCOLSDFMMUCLCLCFPBP23},
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