Enhancing Durum Wheat Resilience in the Mediterranean through Emergency Irrigation Scenarios. Comprehensive Analysis of First-Year Experimentation Results for the Arsinoe Project: The Sardinian Test Case.
Rapport de recherche , CRS4 and AGRIS - 2024
Wheat, as a globally vital crop for food security, is integral to addressing the nutritional needs of populations worldwide. It serves as a source of calories,
dietary protein, and versatile food products, contributing to the livelihoods of millions of farmers and buffering against food shortages. However, the impact of climate change, characterized by rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events, poses significant challenges to wheat production. These challenges encompass reduced yield, lower quality, increased
pest and disease pressure, and shifting growing seasons. Additionally, elevated carbon dioxide levels can affect wheat’s nutrient content, raising concerns about
its nutritional value. To mitigate these challenges, in this report we introduce a novel approach by investigating the influence of emergency irrigation scenarios on durum wheat production within the Mediterranean region. By considering
both quantitative and qualitative yield aspects and adopting an integrated Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus framework, this preliminnary study aims to fill critical research gaps. These gaps include the absence of comprehensive research
on emergency irrigation in the region, limitations in previous studies that focus solely on quantitative yield, and the need to address practical problems related to sustainable agriculture. Through a field experiment during the crop season 2022-2023, this research endeavors to provide insights into adapting agricultural practices to climate change-related water scarcity. By examining the
holistic impact of emergency irrigation scenarios and energy consumption, this paper seeks to contribute to sustainable agricultural practices with the ambitious objective of offering policy recommendations specific to the Mediterranean region.
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author = {Marrocu, M. and Massidda, L. and Pusceddu, G. and Manca, S.},
title = {Enhancing Durum Wheat Resilience in the Mediterranean through Emergency Irrigation Scenarios. Comprehensive Analysis of First-Year Experimentation Results for the Arsinoe Project: The Sardinian Test Case.},
institution = {CRS4 and AGRIS},
year = {2024},
keywords = {Wheat Production, Climate Change, Emergency Irrigation, Sustainable Agriculture},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2024/MMPM24},
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