Modeling the Interaction of L-Hydroxyproline, a Constituent of Collagen, with a Hydrated TiO2 lattice at Varied Concentrations: Examining Surface and Long-Range Effects
BioNanoScience - july 2024
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author = {Valentini, M. and Caboni, P. and Sanna, G. and Pisu, M. and Pieroni, E.},
title = {Modeling the Interaction of L-Hydroxyproline, a Constituent of Collagen, with a Hydrated TiO2 lattice at Varied Concentrations: Examining Surface and Long-Range Effects},
journal = {BioNanoScience},
month = {july},
year = {2024},
publisher = {- Springer Nature},
keywords = {Modeling; L-Hydroxyproline; Hydrated TiO2 lattice; Surface and Long-Range Effects},
issn = {2191-1630},
doi = {10.1007/s12668-024-01559-x},
url = {https://publications.crs4.it/pubdocs/2024/VCSPP24},
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