Publications de Profir au CRS4

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Publications en 2013
Various talks, works and publications
Manuela Profir, Vincent Moreau
MAXSIMA 2nd review meeting, Von Karman Institute, Brussels, 28-29 Nov 2013 - november 2013

Manuela Profir
"Nuclear 2013" - 22-24 May - Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development through Nuclear Research and Education - may 2013

Manuela Profir
MAXSIMA 1st review meeting, May 6-8, 2013, Polaris, Sardinia - may 2013
Publications en 2012
Various talks, works and publications
Manuela Profir
Collana seminari interni 2012 num. 20120411 - april 2012

Manuela Profir
Workshop University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Mechanics and Civil Engineering - january 2012

Contractual reports
Manuela Profir
RAS, CRS4 - 2012

Manuela Profir, Vincent Moreau, Graham Kennedy
CRS4 - october 2012

Manuela Profir
CRS4 - april 2012