Best's Publications

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Publications in 2012
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-ABM12] [Add to your selection]
Chris Allan, Jean-Marie Burel, Josh Moore, Colin Blackburn, Melissa Linkert, Scott Loynton, Donald MacDonald, William J. Moore, Carlos Neves, Andrew Patterson, Michael Porter, Aleksandra Tarkowska, Brian Loranger, Jerome Avondo, Ingvar Lagerstedt, Luca Lianas, Simone Leo, Katherine Hands, Ron T. Hay, Ardan Patwardhan, Christoph Best, Gerard J. Kleywegt, Gianluigi Zanetti, Jason R. Swedlow
Nature Methods pages 245--253 vol. 9 num. 3 - march 2012
issn: 1548-7091  doi: 10.1038/nmeth.1896
Publications in 2011
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-SZB11] [Add to your selection]
Jason R. Swedlow, Gianluigi Zanetti, Christoph Best
Nature Methods Nature Publishing Group pages 463--465 vol. 8 num. 6 - 2011  doi: 10.1038/nmeth.1616