Concas's Publications

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Publications in 2007
Books and Book Chapters
[1-MCD07] [Add to your selection]
M. Marchesi, Giulio Concas, Giulio De Petra, Flavia Marzano, Pietro Zanarini
McGraw-Hill - 2007
isbn: 978-8838665400
Publications in 2006
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-CMP06] [Add to your selection]
Giulio Concas, M. Marchesi, Andrea Piras, Stefano Sanna, E. Sciola, Selene Uras
Towards Open Source Software Adoption - Educational, Public, Legal, And Usability Practices TUBITAK (The Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey) pages 89--98 Bulent Ozel and Can Burak Cilingir and Kaan Erkan (Eds. ) - june 2006