Cao's Publications

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Publications in 1995
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-PCM95] [Add to your selection]
Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao, Massimo Morbidelli
ICheaP-2 Conference held in Florence, Italy - 1995

[4-MMC95] [Add to your selection]
J. Markos, S. Melis, Giacomo Cao, Massimo Morbidelli
Tempus JEN-1125 Training Course in 'Selected Topics on Chemical and Biochemical Engineering' Conference held in Harmonia, Slovakia - 1995

[4-MMC95] [Add to your selection]
J. Markos, S. Melis, Giacomo Cao, Massimo Morbidelli
Proceedings of the XXII Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering pages 41 -- 44 - 1995
Publications in 1994
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-CSP94] [Add to your selection]
Giacomo Cao, A. Servida, Massimo Pisu, Massimo Morbidelli
AICHE Journal pages 1156 vol. 40 num. 7 - 1994

[2-CPM94] [Add to your selection]
Giacomo Cao, Massimo Pisu, Massimo Morbidelli
Chemical Engineering Science pages 5775 vol. 49 num. 24B - 1994

Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-MMC94] [Add to your selection]
S. Melis, J. Markos, Giacomo Cao, Massimo Morbidelli
Proceedings of X congresso di Chimica Industriale Conference held in Pisa, Italy - 1994
Publications in 1993
Various talks, works and publications
[6-PCC93] [Add to your selection]
Massimo Pisu, Lucia Caddeo, Giacomo Cao, Massimo Morbidelli
International Meeting CHISA '93, Praha, Czech Repuplic - 1993

[6-PCS93] [Add to your selection]
Massimo Pisu, Giacomo Cao, A. Servida, Massimo Morbidelli
Giornate di Studio "Metodologie Avanzate di Ingegneria Chimica", Trieste, Italy - 1993
Publications in 1992
Various talks, works and publications
[5-CSP92] [Add to your selection]
Giacomo Cao, A. Servida, Massimo Pisu, Massimo Morbidelli
Chemical Engineering Forum for Young Scientist Torino G. Astarita and A. Giannetto - 1992