Capobianco's Publications

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Publications in 2013
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-OTC13] [Add to your selection]
Massimiliano Orsini, Antonella Travaglione, Enrico Capobianco
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine pages 166 – 180 vol. 111 num. 1 - july 2013  doi: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2013.03.010
Publications in 2012
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-OC12] [Add to your selection]
Massimiliano Orsini, Enrico Capobianco
MicroRNA - 2012
Publications in 2011
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-MTC11] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Antonella Travaglione, Enrico Capobianco
Journal of Computational Biology pages 81-96 vol. 18 num. 1 - 2011  doi: 10.1089/cmb.2009.0258

[2-TMC11] [Add to your selection]
Antonella Travaglione, Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
Biostatistics, Bioinformatics and Biomathematics - 2011

[2-CMT11] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Capobianco, Elisabetta Marras, Antonella Travaglione
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology vol. 10 num. 1 - 2011  doi: 10.2202/1544-6115.1657
Publications in 2010
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-OC10] [Add to your selection]
Massimiliano Orsini, Enrico Capobianco
Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, and Biomathematics (BIOSIM) pages 55 vol. 1 num. 1 - 2010

[2-MTC10] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Antonella Travaglione, Enrico Capobianco
Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology vol. 9 num. 1 - 2010  doi: 10.2202/1544-6115.1523

[2-MSC10] [Add to your selection]
Osvaldo Marullo, Alessio Soggiu, Enrico Capobianco
Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis pages 359--371 vol. 2 - 2010  doi: 10.1142/S1793536910000525

[2-MTC10] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Antonella Travaglione, Gautam Chaurasia, Matthias Futschick, Enrico Capobianco
BMC Systems Biology vol. 102 num. 4 - 2010  doi: 10.1186/1752-0509-4-102

[2-CAP10] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Capobianco
Mathematical Biosciences pages 136–-146 vol. 227 - october 2010  doi: 10.1016/j.mbs.2010.07.003

[2-SCC10] [Add to your selection]
Rocchiccioli S, Enrico Congiu, Boccardi C, Citti L, Lagana A, Enrico Capobianco
Molecular Biosystems pages 2218--2229 - august 2010  doi: 10.1039/C0MB00065E

Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-TMC10] [Add to your selection]
Antonella Travaglione, Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
WCSB2010 Proceedings - 2010

Various talks, works and publications
[6-MTC10] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Antonella Travaglione, Enrico Capobianco
Contributed oral presentation, SIMAI 2010, Cagliari, June 21-25 - 2010

[6-OTC10] [Add to your selection]
Massimiliano Orsini, Antonella Travaglione, Enrico Capobianco
Contributed poster at the Cancer Bioinformatics Workshop, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute, Cambridge, Sept 2-4, 2010 - 2010

[6-TMC10] [Add to your selection]
Antonella Travaglione, Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
Contributed poster at WCSB2010, Luxembourg, June - 2010

[6-CAP10] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Capobianco
Seminar, Institut Curie, Paris, May 13 2010 - may 2010

[6-ECJ10] [Add to your selection]
Popa E, Enrico Capobianco, Van Der Veen JWC, R De Beer, Van Ormondt D, Graveron-Demilly D
- may 2010

[6-ECC10] [Add to your selection]
Popa E, Enrico Capobianco, Van Der Veen J W C, R De Beer, Van Ormondt D, Graveron-Demilly D
- january 2010
Publications in 2009
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-MC09] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
Journal of Statistical Mechanichs: Theory and Experiments - 2009  doi: 10.1088/1742-5468/2009/01/P01006

[2-CAP09] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Capobianco
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation pages 2602-2618 vol. 14 num. 6 - 2009
issn: 1007-5704  doi: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2008.09.015

[2-CAP09] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Capobianco
Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology pages 685--700 vol. 7 - 2009  doi: 10.1142/S0219720009004254

[2-SMP09] [Add to your selection]
Alessio Soggiu, Osvaldo Marullo, Roncada P, Enrico Capobianco
Biophysical Reviews and Letters pages 319- -330 vol. 4 num. 4 - october 2009  doi: 10.1142/S1793048009001071

[2-ECD09] [Add to your selection]
Popa E, Enrico Capobianco, R De Beer, Van Ormondt D, Graveron-Demilly D
Measurement Science Technology, Special Issue Imaging Systems and Techniques, IOP Press pages 104032 vol. 20 num. 10 - september 2009  doi: 10.1088/0957-0233/20/10/104032

[2-SMP09] [Add to your selection]
Alessio Soggiu, Osvaldo Marullo, Roncada P, Enrico Capobianco
In Silico Biology pages 125--133 vol. 9 - april 2009  doi: 10.3233/ISB-2009-0393

Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-MC09] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
WCSB 2009 Proceedings, TICSP 48 pages 119-122 - 2009

Various talks, works and publications
[6-MTC09] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Antonella Travaglione, Enrico Capobianco
Contributed poster at the Sixth International Workshop on Computational Systems Biology, WCSB 2009 June 10-12, Aarhus, Denmark. Contributed poster at SAMSI - Stochastic Dynamics Program, Aug 30 - Sept 3, NC(USA) - 2009

[6-MC09] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
Contributed presentation at the 33rd SPA - Conference on Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, Berlin (DE), July - 2009

[6-OC09] [Add to your selection]
Massimiliano Orsini, Enrico Capobianco
- 2009

[6-ECJ09] [Add to your selection]
Popa E, Enrico Capobianco, Van Der Veen JWC, R De Beer, Van Ormondt D, Graveron-Demilly D
Contributed presentation at ProRISC, Veldhoven (NL) - november 2009

[6-CAP09] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Capobianco
- september 2009

[6-RCB09] [Add to your selection]
S. Rocchiccioli, Enrico Congiu, C. Boccardi, E. Laganá, Enrico Capobianco
Contributed poster at the 3rd EuPA 2009 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 14-17 - june 2009

Contractual reports
[7-MC09] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
IMA - Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, University of Minnesota (USA) techreport - 2009
Publications in 2008
Books and Book Chapters
[1-MC08] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
Functional and Operational Statistics, Physica-Verlag Dabo-Niang S. and Ferraty F. pages 89-94 Heidelberg incollection - 2008

Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-CAP08] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Capobianco
Funct Integr Genomics pages 87--99 vol. 8 num. 2 - 2008
issn: 1438-793X  doi: 10.1007/s10142-007-0066-3

[2-CAP08] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Capobianco
Nonlinear analysis: Real World Applications pages 1928-1941 vol. 9 num. 5 - 2008

[2-CAP08] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Capobianco
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications pages 4077-4098 vol. 387 num. 16-17 - 2008

[2-CAP08] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Capobianco
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics pages 429-442 vol. 11 num. 3 - 2008

[2-PDM08] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Pieroni, Sergio de la Fuente van Bentem, Gianmaria Mancosu, Enrico Capobianco, Heribert Hirt, Alberto de la Fuente
Proteomics pages 799-816 vol. 8 num. 4 - february 2008  doi: 10.1002/pmic.200700767

Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-EDC08] [Add to your selection]
Popa E., Graveron-Demilly D., Enrico Capobianco, R. de Beer, van Ormondt D.
Proceedings IEEE Imaging, Systems and Techniques pages 315-320 - 2008

[4-MC08] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
WCSB 2008 Proceedings, TICSP Series pages 105-108 num. 41 - 2008

Various talks, works and publications
[6-ROC08] [Add to your selection]
Frederic Reinier, Massimiliano Orsini, Enrico Capobianco
Poster presented at the Non-Coding RNAs: Computational Challenges and Applications Workshop, 28-30 April, 2008, Antalya, Turkey - 2008

[6-ECD08] [Add to your selection]
Popa E, Enrico Capobianco, R De Beer, Van Ormondt D, Graveron-Demilly D
Presentation (by E. Popa) at ESMRMB 2008 Congress 25th Annual Meeting, Valencia, Spain - 2008

[6-HCD08] [Add to your selection]
Rabeson H., Enrico Capobianco, R. de Beer, van Ormondt D., Graveron-Demilly D.
Presentation (by D. van Ormondt) at ISMRM 2008, Toronto, Canada - 2008

[6-ROC08] [Add to your selection]
Frederic Reinier, Massimiliano Orsini, Enrico Capobianco
Poster presented at ECCB 2008, Cagliari, Italy, September - 2008

[6-MTC08] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Antonella Travaglione, Gautam Chaurasia, Matthias Futschick, Enrico Capobianco
Presentation at the International Workshop on Gene Signalling Pathway Analysis and Representation for the Dendritic Cells, I-Atlas 2008, Florence, Italy, November - 2008

[6-CMF08] [Add to your selection]
Gautam Chaurasia, Elisabetta Marras, Matthias Futschick, Enrico Capobianco
Poster presented at ECCB2008, Cagliari, Italy - 2008

[6-SMP08] [Add to your selection]
Alessio Soggiu, Osvaldo Marullo, Roncada Paola, Enrico Capobianco
Poster presented at ECCB 2008, Cagliari, Italy - 2008

[6-MTC08] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Antonella Travaglione, Gautam Chaurasia, Matthias Futschick, Enrico Capobianco
Presentation at International Workshop on Gene Signalling Pathway Analysis and Representation for the Dendritic Cells, I-Atlas 2008. Florence, Italy. - november 2008

[6-OC08] [Add to your selection]
Massimiliano Orsini, Enrico Capobianco
Poster presented at "Leading applications and technologies in Bioinformatics", EMBnet Conference 2008, Martina Franca (TA), Italy - september 2008

[6-EDC08] [Add to your selection]
Popa E, Graveron-Demilly D, Enrico Capobianco, R De Beer, van Ormondt D.
Presentation at IEEE-IST (Imaging Systems and Techniques) International Workshop - Chania, Greece - september 2008

[6-SMC08] [Add to your selection]
Alessio Soggiu, Osvaldo Marullo, Enrico Capobianco, Roncada Paola
Poster presented at 5th Siena Meeting from Genome to Proteome: Functional Proteomics - september 2008

[6-MTC08] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Antonella Travaglione, Enrico Capobianco
Poster presented at 5th European Congress of Mathematics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - july 2008

[6-MC08] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
Poster presented at Sigma Phi 2008 Conference on Statistical Physics, Orthodox Academy of Crete 2008 - july 2008

[6-MC08] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
Talk at the 5th International Workshop on Computational Systems Biology, WCSB 2008, June 11-13, 2008, Leipzig, Germany. - june 2008

[6-MC08] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
Presentation at the 1st International Workshop on Functional and Operatorial Statistics, IWFOS 2008, University Paul Sabatier, Toulose, France - june 2008

[6-MC08] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
Poster presented at the 5th International Conference on Unsolved Problems on Noise and Fluctuations in Physics, Biology and High Technology, UPoN 2008, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France - june 2008

[6-MC08] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
Poster presented at the IMA Annual Program Year Workshop Organization of Biological Networks, March 3-7, 2008 - march 2008

[6-HCD08] [Add to your selection]
Rabeson H., Enrico Capobianco, R. de Beer, van Ormondt D., Graveron-Demilly D.
Presentation (by D. van Ormondt) at 12th GRAMM Conference, Lyon (FR) - march 2008

[6-MC08] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
Poster presented at Organization of Biological Networks, Annual Program Year Workshop - march 2008

Contractual reports
[7-MC08] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
IMA, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, Univeristy of Minnesota num. Preprint S techreport - april 2008
Publications in 2007
Various talks, works and publications
[6-MC07] [Add to your selection]
Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
Poster presented at the Integrative Bioinformatics Workshop, September 10-12, 2007 University of Ghent (Belgium) - 2007

[6-PHM07] [Add to your selection]
Maria Persico, Robert Hoffmann, Elisabetta Marras, Enrico Capobianco
Poster presented at the Italian Bioinformatics Society (BITS) Annual Meeting, Napoli, 26-28 April - 2007

[6-HHC07] [Add to your selection]
Rabeson H., Rabeson H., Enrico Capobianco, R. de Beer, van Ormondt D., Graveron-Demilly D.
Poster presented at Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB, Berlin - may 2007

[6-MSP07] [Add to your selection]
Osvaldo Marullo, Alessio Soggiu, Roncada Paola, Patricia Rodriguez-Tomé, Enrico Capobianco
poster - in 42 International Symposium Analytical Technologies: Tools and Implementation Strategies in Animal Science - Porto Conte Ricerche, Alghero - may 2007

[6-CAP07] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Capobianco
Poster presented at the SAMSI Biosystems Modeling Workshop, Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute, Raleigh-Durham, NC, USA, 5-7 March 2007 - march 2007

Contractual reports
[7-CAP07] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Capobianco
Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute, Raleigh-Durham, NC, USA num. 2007-03 techreport - march 2007
Publications in 2006
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-HMH06] [Add to your selection]
Rabeson H., Sosonkina M., Rabeson H., Cudalbu C., Campobasso S, Enrico Capobianco, R. de Beer, van Ormondt D., Graveron-Demilly D.
ProRISC (conference proceedings), IEEE Benelux, Veldhoven, The Netherlands pages 176-183 - november 2006

[4-CAP06] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Capobianco
Integrative Bioinformatics 2006 Proceedings Book pages 117-135 Hofestadt R. and Topel T. - september 2006

[4-HCD06] [Add to your selection]
Rabeson H., Enrico Capobianco, R. de Beer, van Ormondt D., Graveron-Demilly D.
Int. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 14th Scientific Meeting and Exhibition, Seattle, Washington, USA - 6-12 May 2006 pages 32 - 37 - may 2006

Various talks, works and publications
[6-CAP06] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Capobianco
Poster presented at the Integrative Post-Genomics, Lyon's international multidisciplinary meeting, Lyon (FR), 29, 30 November and 1 December, 2006 - december 2006

[6-CAP06] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Capobianco
Talk at the Integrative Bioinformatics, International Workshop, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK, 4-6 September, 2006 - september 2006

[6-CAP06] [Add to your selection]
Enrico Capobianco
Talk at the XVIII Congresso Nazionale della SIBPA, Società Italiana di Biofisica Pura e Applicata, Palermo, 17-21 September, 2006 - september 2006