Publications de Popescu au CRS4

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Publications en 2018
Books and Book Chapters
[1-NGZ18] [Add to your selection]
Michele Nitti, Daniele Giusto, Simone Zanda, Massimo Di Francesco, Carlino Casari, Maria Laura Clemente, Cristian Lai, Carlo Milesi, Vlad Popescu
IntechOpen, chap. 3, pages 30--40 - 2018
Publications en 2010
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-SDC10] [Add to your selection]
Alberto Serra, Tiziana Dessì, Davide Carboni, Vlad Popescu, Luigi Atzori
Networked and Electronic Media Summit, Barcelona, 2010 - 2010

[4-SDC10] [Add to your selection]
Alberto Serra, Tiziana Dessì, Davide Carboni, Vlad Popescu, Luigi Atzori
Networked and Electronic Media Summit, Barcelona, 2010 - 2010