Publications de Buschettu au CRS4

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Publications en 2019
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-LBB19] [Add to your selection]
Cristian Lai, Francesco Boi, Alberto Buschettu, Renato Caboni
ICSOFT 2019 ACM pages 657--664 - 2019

[4-LBB19] [Add to your selection]
Cristian Lai, Francesco Boi, Alberto Buschettu, Renato Caboni
ICIW2019 IARIA pages 50--51 - 2019

[4-LBB19] [Add to your selection]
Cristian Lai, Francesco Boi, Alberto Buschettu, Renato Caboni
FiCloud2019 IEEE pages 1--5 - 2019

[4-LBB19] [Add to your selection]
Cristian Lai, Francesco Boi, Alberto Buschettu, Renato Caboni
WEBIST2019 ACM - 2019