Publications de Kleinfeldt au CRS4

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Publications en 1996
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-KDP96] [Add to your selection]
Sally Kleinfeldt, Jonathan Deckmyn, Claudio Paniconi, Bart Cosyn
Application of Geographic Information Systems in Hydrology and Water Resources Management IAHS Press IAHS Series of Proceedings and Reports pages 613--620 vol. 235 K. Kovar and H. P. Nachtnebel Institute of Hydrology, Wallingford, UK - 1996
Publications en 1995
Contractual reports
[7-KLE95] [Add to your selection]
Sally Kleinfeldt
CRS4 Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4-TECH- techreport - 1995

[7-DKP95] [Add to your selection]
Jonathan Deckmyn, Sally Kleinfeldt, Claudio Paniconi
CRS4 Cagliari, Italy num. CRS4-TECH- techreport - 1995