Publications de Malzbender au CRS4

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Publications en 2010
Books and Book Chapters
[1-PMW10] [Add to your selection]
Ruggero Pintus, Thomas Malzbender, Oliver Wang, Ruth Bergman, Hila Nachlieli, Gitit Ruckenstein
Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics. Theory and Applications, Springer Berlin Heidelberg AlpeshKumar Ranchordas and Joao Madeiras Pereira and Helder J. Araujo and Joao Manuel R. S. Tavares pages 326--342 vol. 68 - 2010
Publications en 2009
Peer-reviewed publications in international events
[4-PMW09] [Add to your selection]
Ruggero Pintus, Thomas Malzbender, Oliver Wang, Ruth Bergman, Hila Nachlieli, Gitit Ruckenstein
VISAPP International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications pages 40--50 - february 2009