Publications de Marbach au CRS4

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Publications en 2012
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-MCK12] [Add to your selection]
Daniel Marbach, James C. Costello, Robert Küffner, Nicole M. Vega, Robert J. Prill, Diogo M. Camacho, Kyle R. Allison, Alberto de la Fuente, Vincenzo De Leo, Andrea Pinna, Nicola Soranzo, Manolis Kellis, James J. Collins, Gustavo Stolovitzky
Nature Methods pages 796-804 vol. 9 num. 8 - 2012  doi: 10.1038/nmeth.2016
Publications en 2011
Peer-reviewed publications in International Journals
[2-MAB11] [Add to your selection]
Pablo Meyer, Leonidas G Alexopoulos, Thomas Bonk, Andrea Califano, Carolyn R Cho, Alberto de la Fuente, David de Graaf, Alexander J. Hartemink, Julia Hoeng, Nikolai V. Ivanov, Heinz Koeppl, Rune Linding, Daniel Marbach, Raquel Norel, Manuel C. Peitsch, J. Jeremy Rice, Ajay Royyuru, Frank Schacherer, Joerg Sprengel, Katrin Stolle, Dennis Vitkup, Gustavo Stolovitzky
Nature Biotechnology pages 811-815 vol. 29 num. 9 - 2011  doi: 10.1038/nbt.1968